22 November 2006

Morning Coffee (14)

Yeah, good morning, or something like that. Good is such a subjective term, isn't it? Or do we all agree on what constitutes a good morning? I'd venture a guess and say that in general, we do, but when it comes down to the brass tacks, our opinions on what a good morning consists of vary widely. I don't think I've had a genuinely good morning in quite some time. But I'm looking forward to having one again someday.

There seems to be nothing of interest in today's news, at least nothing intel related. Oh, wait, found something. Nigeria. If you are an employee of an oil company, do not go to Nigeria no matter what your employer says. Seven employees of the Italian oil company Eni were kidnapped today while working in offshore oil fields. This is nothing new, it happens all the time. Reuters reports that "dozens" of foreign oil workers have been kidnapped this year alone. Okay, that's really pretty weak. Today, I strive to not add any value to anything in the Morning Coffee, merely play a role as Katie Couric and report the news. As Fox News says, "we report, you decide." At least for today.

Jenna Bush got robbed while in Argentina. One of her Secret Service bodyguards got badly beaten. This here is a trend too, as the Bush daughters were involved in a similar altercation in Spain in 2004. Despite the increased risk of being robbed by Spanish speaking thugs in various parts of the world, it is my goal to one day date Jenna Bush. She's an ideal woman I think. Smart, attractive, radiant, family oriented - the kind of girl who really lights up the room when she comes in, probably has a dazzling smile I'd imagine. All important things for me, as you might know. Of course, she's also the daughter of the President, and her political views are probably on the far side of Right, and being more of a centrist myself, we might not agree on much. Namely religion, among other things. So, I guess she's out too.

There will be no Morning Coffee tomorrow, at least not of this sort. Have a cup of steaming Joe and reminisce and think fondly of the missing in action Java. But it will return Friday morning, bright and early (no, government employees don't get a four day weekend). I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and that you all give thanks for everything you have, as is traditional at this time of year. I know that I have a couple of things to be thankful for…let's see…my health, having a job, my son. That pretty much covers it for me. I trust your list is longer!

Word of the Day: Mollify (transitive verb): 1. To pacify; to soothe or calm in temper or disposition; 2. To reduce in intensity; to temper; 3. To soften; to reduce the rigidity of.

Word of the Day Tomorrow: Gnomic (adjective): Uttering, containing, or characterized by maxims; wise and pithy.

On This Day in History: President John F Kennedy was assassinated (1963). Aldous Huxley, who had a quote in yesterday's edition, also died on this day in 1963.

"Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship." - Sharon Stone. I wonder.

Until next time.

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