Another weekend down. I figure I've got 2,262 weekends or so left. I'm sure they will all be as great as this one, though I doubt any will be greater. I mean, how could they be?
It's cold outside. Bitterly so. But it's so hot in my office, I would almost rather be outside, sleeping on my sheet of cardboard drinking whiskey out of a bag. Of course I kid. I don't drink whiskey. Anyway, there are no windows or anything in here, so we're entirely dependent upon massive blowers and ventilation systems to keep us warm/cool. I'm probably 200 feet from an outside wall even; buried in the bowels as they say.
Our friends the Brits are talking of putting new X-ray technology on lampposts in order to spot, as Breitbart says, "armed terrorists and other criminals." I'm not sure why they need to separate the two; more "war on terror" propaganda coming at you. Anyway, people have been freaking out about this technology for a while now as it allegedly allows the viewer to "see" through your clothes. I'm not sure what the big deal is. You cannot make out who it is; you can't really see faces. You can see a rough outline of body features but that's it. There's nothing remotely sexual about it in my mind. Surely, some fetish would develop, but the images are not stored, and I'm certain that if some moron were to try to disseminate the images, he/she would be fired and probably sued or imprisoned as they would probably have to fill out a substantial non-disclosure agreement. People are such prudes. What are they honestly worried about? Are they worried that someone will see their fat, bloated bodies and think ill thoughts? Then maybe this X-ray thing is the cure to our obesity.
I like this idea. I've worked security for concerts and other events, and I'll tell you from first hand experience, frisking thousands of people sucks. I know that people find it uncomfortable having a strange man frisk them; perhaps they feel violated. Well, it's not all that fun for us either. We don't think, boy, she's hot, I want to frisk her. No, it's awkward. So awkward, in fact, that some security guards don't do a very good job of it. Lots of people get through with minimal frisking. It's virtually impossible to get something through a quality frisk, but it's difficult to make sure you frisk people thoroughly every time, and a quality frisk is more invasive than a mere pat down. This technology would eliminate a lot of discomfort on both ends, and would likely make things safer. So, cut out the junk food, and revel in your X-rays. Oh, and some people get more X-rays than others…hilarious.
Word of the Day: Gadabout (noun): Someone who roams about in search of amusement or social activity.
On This Day in History: Romeo and Juliet is probably first performed (1596). Who cares? Yesterday was more interesting: Challenger explodes after liftoff (1986) (Do you remember seeing this?); Charlemagne dies (814); World Leprosy Day; and for Joe - Feast Day of St Thomas Aquinas.
[Insert remarkably profound quote, poem, song lyric here.]
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