The weather is amazing. Presently, it is 59 degrees here and slightly rainy. The perfect day, weather-wise.
I've gone without my "lucky" coin for a week or so now, testing my cursed-coin theory. Nothing bad has happened. Although, nothing good has happened either. I don't like not having it in my pocket, so perhaps I'll bring it back. I'd like to say, "How bad could it be?" but I know better. Somehow, Fortuna will find a way to screw me hard core.
Politics. Yes, it's that time already. The stuff makes me nauseous. First, we've got Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who has just been sworn in as the first Woman Speaker of the House. She's so drunk with power that it's sick. Go ahead and troll the news a bit, you're bound to find a few interesting quotes attributed to her in the past few days. It's "power, power, power" with her and her ilk. And by ilk, I really mean Republicans and Democrats. However, at present, the Democrats are so ecstatic over finally being in power again that they're acting like the ugly duckling that just got asked to the prom by the stereotypical football star. They can't contain themselves. They have perma-grins attached to their faces (of course Pelosi looks like she's just been scared by a Yeti all the time - you see her face?). It would be nice, refreshing even, to see some serious faces on these people. Instead, they give the impression that power is all that matters. After 14 years of Republican control in the House, all these Dems can think about is that THEY FINALLY have the power back. It just seem wrong to me. I really don't like the two-party (and a throw in) system.
One more thing on this Speaker of the House BS. The Dems throw a big party to celebrate their milestone - first woman in the Speaker role, etc, etc. (On a side note, doesn't this over joyous celebration perpetuate discrimination somehow?) The party costs $1,000 a ticket. A pretty hefty sum for a party that supposedly champions the common man. Not a single one of you, nor I, could afford to attend this gala. The food is typical aristocrat/liberal fare: goat cheese ravioli with some obnoxious sauce. Common men and women don't generally eat goat cheese ravioli. Then, the entertainment. The Grateful Dead (whom I wish were really gratefully dead), Wyclef Jean, some random other baby boomer idiots. I think Tony Bennet maybe. Who knows? The point is, this whole thing isn't some "common man" event. These rich idiots wouldn't be caught dead at a common man event unless it somehow brought them political gain.
And the big Presidential race is on already. The speculation is what kills me. Everyone knows so and so is going to run, yet they are purposefully vague, refusing to throw their hat in the ring before forming exploratory committees or hiring aides, blah blah. They leak stuff to the press to feel out public opinion. Barak Obama is a prime example. We all know you're going to run, putz, just admit it! You're going to be stomped anyway since you've been a politician at the national level for about 5 minutes. Then we have the person(s) who took Rudy Giuliani's plan and leaked it to the press. Talk about dirty. If you want to run, if you believe in your message and abilities, just tell me you're going to run. If I don't like you, I won't vote for you. Stop with the spin and the exploratory bullshit. And why just one nominee per party? Let 'em all run. How about some real democracy? Lip service! Remember, this is NOT a democracy. It's a republic and there is a difference. I think republic means: represented by idiots who think that their office makes them smarter than us. You give me five candidates, and you let me decide who's best. This primary/electoral college thing is annoying.
Enough of that…Everyone have a superb weekend. I'm going to sit around my house doing…oh, I don't know…nothing? Yeah, that sounds about right. Should be really interesting. I need to get myself a "best friend." That's what they're called these days. I've got a riveting game of Medieval 2: Total War going right now, so…those Aztecs are going DOWN! My gunpowder should make quick work of them. Oh, and the smallpox.
Word of the Day: Interregnum (noun): 1. the interval between two reigns; any period when a state is left without a ruler; 2. the period of freedom from authority or during which government functions are suspended; 3. any breach of continuity in an order; a lapse or interval in a continuity. Great word.
On This Day in History: FM radio demonstrated to the FCC for the first time (1940). Boring day. If you need more, it's also Mungday in the quasi-religion Discordianism. This stuff is hilarious. More joke than religion.
"I never wanted to write these words down for you, with the pages of phrases of things we'll never do. So I blow out the candle and I put you to bed. Since you can't say to me now how the dog's broke your bone, there's just one thing left to be said: say hello to heaven…"
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