27 November 2006

Morning Coffee (16)


How about this weather. I didn't check the temperature this morning on my way out, but it was pretty warm. You won't hear any complaints from me; I despise the cold.

I trust everyone had a good holiday weekend; safe travels, all that. Mine could have been better, but it also could have been worse. I find that most days fall into this category anymore. I take what I can get at this point. But, I had pretty good company, and good food, and my son was there with me, so while I could want to ask for more, I'll not do so lest the gods further curse me.

Apparently, the hurricane season had no wind in its sails, to pun badly. If I recall, we were supposed to get hit hard like we did last season, but when the storm died down, there wasn't much to behold. I'm glad, because I really got tired of hearing about hurricanes. The problem now, however, will be all the arm-chair climatologists (and real ones even) who will saturate the air waves with their speculation and conjecture, opining like they actually understand how it all works. Since I think that modern weather forecasting is about as accurate as reading chicken livers and cows blood, or throwing bones, or the psychedelic rantings of the Oracle of Delphi, I think they're all full of it. They should admit that most of their analysis is guesswork; the system their analyzing is huge beyond most comprehension - they can't possibly be right even half the time. Which is why this global warming thing is so controversial. I equate it to arguing about religion. One side says it exist and is caused by man, the other side says it doesn't or at least isn't caused by man. Both sides throw out figures and facts that back up their arguments. Then no one agrees, and nothing gets done. What bothers me about this "science" is that the proponents of one theory or the other believe that THEY ALONE have the answers. I don't recall being taught that science was so. And I don't think you can prove man's involvement either way - the system is far too big, and unless you're name begins with a capital G and has three letters total, you can't understand it with 100% fidelity. Enough on that.

The Pope traveled to Turkey this past weekend. There he is, contributing to the holiday travel season and further clogging the arteries of the world with his gargantuan entourage. But in all seriousness, the Pope has his work cut out for him. I read an interesting article in Time online, which I'm too lazy to find again, that explained some of the aftermath of his comments regarding Islam, which fueled more peace and tolerance from some Muslims. Turkey is a dichotomy - a bastion of hope for liberal Europe, yet a growing conservative movement threatens to divide the country further. He's also traveling to "heal the 1,000 year divide" between Catholicism and Orthodox Christians. That's a lot of healing he's going to be doing - maybe this should be an episode of M*A*S*H* or Scrubs.

Played three rounds of bar trivia last night - and yes I won every round. I was a mere 200 points from scoring in the top ten one-round scores in my first round. 11,982 points. Not bad considering it was sports trivia, and they asked virtually no baseball questions. See how full my head is of useless knowledge?

Word of the Day: Dolorous (adjective): Marked by, causing, or expressing grief or sorrow.
On This Day in History: The French scuttles their navy at Toulon to keep it out of the hands of Nazi Germany (1942).

"My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher." - Socrates.

Until tomorrow.

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