I'm thinking of doing maybe a daily (perhaps weekly) morning update. Sort of a "what I'm thinking about" while I drink my coffee. It's not that I'm arrogant enough to think that what goes on in my head is so important that everyone should know. It's merely a couple of thoughts or ideas to get the mind going. Topics will stay within the professional realm for the most part.
First things first: Jen, I miss your coffee. In fact, this whole thing is named in honor of your coffee. You rarely ever make a bad pot, and that can be blamed on our fickle coffee maker. But sometimes you make this coffee that is so "spot on" that it must be the nectar of the gods. Well, the intel gods anyway. Trust me folks, I know my way around a coffee maker, but this woman is in another class.
11 Sep 2001. I was just thinking about it this morning. Some guy in the office mentioned that movie United 93 or whatever; guess that's why. The first thing I thought about was the flags. All the flags on virtually every vehicle on the road in the weeks after that day. Flags hanging from over-passes, shop windows, trees, you name it and it likely had a flag on it. You remember that? Well, after that I remembered the day, during which I was at Naval Air Station Fallon, NV. I recounted the events of that day in my head: the wake-up call from my Lieutenant, the call to my wife, watching the television with her on the other end of the phone, seeing those towers collapse. Then it gets embarrassing. Yeah, I cried a little. It was the first time (of maybe three of four times) you saw/heard me cry Jen. But beyond that emotion of saddness, I felt "the rush." I felt the rush of current, crisis intelligence. It is, to me, the best drug out there. It is similar to the hot flush of passion, but with less edge and more focus - in that you can still think (i.e. you're not acting on mostly instinct), if that makes any sense. The only thing that was better was the whole birthing process with Jen and my son (I mean 09-10 Aug 2004). Some of you in the "to" line know what I'm talking about. Some of you have yet to feel the euphoria, and imminent withdrawal pains of this rush. You will know it when you feel it though.
I felt that rush a lot over the next few weeks.
Election Day is next Tuesday. Don't forget to vote. I know that you're all diligent Americans who know the importance of this responsibility, but I'm going to remind you anyway. I don't care who you vote for, so long as you vote for who you think will do the best job. Let your conscience and intellect (not your party) be your guide.
Finally, I hope everyone had a Happy (and safe) Halloween. It was my semi-anniversary, and all in all, a pretty good night (thanks Jen!). I demand that everyone have a good day, or at least as good as humanly possible. If you want to be taken off the Morning Coffee distro list, let me know. If you think of someone who might need an add, let me know that too (since I cannot access my private email, I have no one's address). And by the way, this is the First Edition, so save it. Might be worth something (when I become either famous or infamous).
Word of the Day: Prevaricate (intransitive verb): to depart from or evade the truth; to speak with equivocation.
On this Day in History: US tests first hydrogen bomb (1952).
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