I am a liar. A horrible, horrible person. I present a very short Brew (we’ll call it an espresso shot) because, well, why not? Still, I am constrained by time and responsibility, so who knows what tomorrow will bring.
No Country for Ol-Bama:
This guy is an arrogant putz. I use such basely derogatory terms because he’s juvenile. An amateur. Youthfully naïve. A political abecedarian. There are, of course, any number of areas in which one could question Obama’s credentials. But perhaps the finest example of his arrogance is claims of foreign policy expertise.
The man has said on numerous occasions that all it takes is for him to get in a room with people, and he can win them over. This may be true with many left-leaning American voters, but not with adversarial foreign leaders. Surely, this sort of bravado is what enables him to think that he has the right and duty to speak one on one with anyone from anywhere. He’s almost never faced a hostile crowd. I remember only one time: him marching into a press conference full of smiles and confidence and being blindsided by a few diligent (for once) reporters. In response, after a mere eight questions, he skulked away like a spoiled child with wounded pride. How dare they question him, right? The people that attend his rallies are the converted masses of liberal voters. Obama has promised that he will speak to Iranian President Mamoud Ahmedinejad, as if he can chastise him into capitulation. Ahmadinejad will not arrive fully converted, nor will he be even slightly liberal. As far as I can tell, Obama’s never been rebuffed. Ahmadinejad would gladly meet with him, I’m sure, and then he’d have all sorts of fun (i.e. propaganda schemes) with the freshman Senator who makes absurd statements like:
"[Regarding his choice for Vice-President] I would like somebody who knows about a bunch of stuff that I am not as expert on. I think a lot of people assume that might be some sort of military thing to make me look more commander in chief-like. ... Ironically, this is an area -- foreign policy is the area where I am probably most confident that I know more and understand the world better than Senator Clinton or Senator McCain."
This article, from which I derived the above quote, brilliantly and somewhat methodically fillets some of Obama’s most basic foreign policy tenets. For example, he has voted against funding US troops in Iraq twice. From a troop’s perspective, this is not very Commander-in-Chief-like. Troops don’t like partisan politics being played with their lives, especially when it’s so utterly transparent. What’s more, a Roman Emperor (whose name escapes me at the moment), once told his successor to pay the troops first, and worry about all else second. This advice is perhaps not as pertinent today as it was in the middle-Roman Empire, but the military is as important to the success of our Republic as it was to the Empire (and we all know how military atrophy worked out for them).
What Really Matters: A Story I Don’t Care About:
Time’s webpage has run a seven page story about Obama’s mother. Seriously. Seven pages not about the candidate, but the mother of the candidate. I will grant that the woman, like many mothers, wielded significant influence on who Barack would eventually become, but she’s not even slightly as important as who he became. The “how” is not as important as the “is.” Read it if you wish, but I don’t think it offers any shining insight on Obama and how qualified he is or isn’t to become our President. Because it’s not relevant.
Word of the Day: Caesura (noun): 1. A break or pause in a line of verse, usually occurring in the middle of a line, and indicated in scanning by a double vertical line; for example, "The proper study || of mankind is man" [Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man].
2. Any break, pause, or interruption.
On This Day in History: The last execution for witchcraft in Germany takes place (1775). Einstein reveals his Theory of Relativity (1905). Buchenwald liberated by American forces (1945). The crew of a US Navy EP-3E which was detained after a collision with a PRC J-8 fighter was released (2001). I was very busy during this period. Alessandra Ambrosio, Brazilian model, was born (1981). She’s my second favorite model…I have a weakness for Brazilians apparently.
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