Another day goes by…At least the weather's good for now.
Castro does not have long to live apparently. Can you imagine a world without Fidel? It's hard to. The man's been in power in Cuba for as long as any of us have been alive - since 1959. He's been in power for as long as my mother's been alive. It's quite remarkable, considering how he is despised by our government. They've tried to kill him a number of times. We've been embarrassed more times than I care to remember. I wouldn't go thinking that you'll be able to travel to Cuba the day after he kicks the bucket. No, I imagine that we'll be barred from going there for a long time. And it should be so, right? We are the freest country on earth after all, why should be allowed to go wherever we want? I've got news for you: You're as free as they allow you to be, and your short memories makes you even less free. You simply forget so quickly how easily they strip you of your supposed freedom. You're as free as you want to be, and you cede your rights so easily. Your choices are being made for you too. We are given but the illusion of freedom.
Yes, there is usually some weak justification for the removal of your freedom. "It's bad for you, thus you shouldn't be allowed to chose it if you want it." "Going there supports communism." "Buying that supports terrorism." "Your tourism there supports the regime." "We know best." Sometimes I do think it's best that the shepherd looks out for the flock, but mostly the flock should be left alone. I needn't be told that McDonald's food is bad for me, and I needn't the nanny state dictate to fast food chains what their products should contain. I know what I'm getting when I pull up to the drive thru. Everyone does. Similarly, everyone knows what they're getting when they buy a pack of cheap Seneca cigarettes: nothing good. No one should be able to argue that they were duped into smoking or duped into eating a Big Mac. But because you people claim just those things on your litigation, the nanny state feels they need to look out for your best interests, because, lo and behold, you're too stupid to look out for yourself. It's obvious. "I didn't know smoking caused emphysema; the marketing campaign told me that light cigarettes were good for you." "They're marketing to children by including little toys with the meal. How was I supposed to know that grease soaked fries would clog my arteries?" "Please save me from myself, nanny state!" We've reaped what we've sown. We've shown ourselves to be incapable of rational thought and logical decision-making so frequently that we've forced the nanny state's hand. You go wherever they tell you. End Rant.
Word of the Day: Malignant (adjective): 1. disposed to cause harm, suffering, or distress deliberately; feeling or showing ill will or hatred; 2. very dangerous or harmful in influence or effect; 3. pathology: a. tending to produce death, as bubonic plague; b. (of a tumor) characterized by uncontrolled growth; cancerous, invasive, or metastatic.
On This Day in History: Nero, fifth and final emperor of the Roman Julio-Claudian dynasty, was born (37 CE). Also, the Bill of Rights becomes law after it is ratified by Virginia (1791).
"You crawled away from me. Slipped away from me. I tried to keep ahold, but there was nothing I could say. You slide and crept away, and there was nothing I could say. So what you're trying to say, is you don't want to play. But what you want and what you need, don't mean a fuck to me."
"I am habitually habituating in my habitat." - Anonymous
Everyone have a great great weekend, doing whatever it is you do.
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